# 帝国理工学院
MSc Biomedical Engineering
MSc Enterprise Studies in Biomedical Technology
MSc Geology
MSc Geophysics
# 爱丁堡大学
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Cognitive Science
MSc Computer Science
MSc Data Science
MSc Design Informatics
MSc CyberSecurity Privacy and Trust
MSc Advanced Technology for Financial Computing
MSc Animal Breeding and Genetics
MSc Biotechnology
MSc Evolutionary Genetics
MA Human Complex – trait Genetics
MSc Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis
MSc High Performance Computing
MSc High Performance Computing and Data Science
MA(eca) Film Directing
# 曼彻斯特大学
# 伦敦国王学院
Advanced Computing MSc
Advanced Cyber Security MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert (online)
Advanced Software Engineering MSc
Artificial Intelligence MSc
Computational Finance MSc
Cyber Security MSc
Data Science MSc
Urban Informatics MSc
Electronic Engineering with Management MSc
Engineering with Management MSc
Mobile & Personal Communications MSc
Robotics MSc
# 南安普顿大学
# 诺丁汉大学
Education MA
Educational Leadership and Management MA
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) MA
Digital Teaching and Learning MA
Special and Inclusive Education MA
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA(同时要求至少两年全职或1500小时兼职英语教学工作经验)