









Example 1


Right now, I am brave enough to say, I have depression, but I am proud of my life. I graduated in advance from UCSD; I earned several As in graduate level organic chemistry courses; I had outstanding performance in research and volunteer activities. I smiled a lot every day and I developed the habit of regular check-up with my psychologist. It is not easy to deal with depression, but it is not impossible. I am proud of what I strived for myself. Even I know I am a small individual and has limited ability, I would like to try and devote all of my passion to this field. I can feel what you have been through and I am right now standing here talking about my experiences calmly, and I think you also can.


Example 2


My father has long been suffering from Chronic Gastritis, and each time I accompanied him to take the gastroscopy, I couldn’t help crying when seeing how painful he was from his exaggerated facial expression and body language. My heart melted with pity for my poor father, “why abominable diseases intrude people’s life? Why our happy life being interrupted? Why we can’t radically defeat them?”


Example 3


After graduation, I will embark on my long coveted automobile career, and Tesla Motors is my first ideal destination because of its well-known automatically-controlled automobile research. After about five years’ experience accumulation and expertise refinement, I hope to come back to China and dedicate my whole professional life to the development of Chinese automobile industry. Metropolises in China are suffering from excessive vehicle saturation and a nearly standstill traffic condition. For many times I’m wondering if I can make my due contribution to the settlement of this problem from vehicle itself. With sufficient localization, a car intelligent enough to choose the most efficient paths and reduce or completely avoid collisions might be a solution. In addition, traditional vehicle deprives the rights of the disabled, the old, and the unskilled ones to enjoy the fun of driving and the convenience it brings, while self-driving car might give them justice.

好文书和差文书的差距在哪?差文书也会说我将来想做自动驾驶,也会说我理想的雇主是特斯拉,也会说我要为汽车行业的革命做贡献。但差文书说不出来的是他/她的事业能够为社会进步带来什么样的具体的帮助。“辅助缓解交通拥堵”、“让高龄人群享受出行便利”等等这些点,都是好文书的特质。提炼一句,好文书行文要简洁,想法要具体,这就是学校再三强调的concise but specific的确切含义。

Example 4


Starting from the beginning of 2016, I was hired by the Scripps Research Institute to deeply study dynein dynactin complex in Lander’s Lab. Dynien-dynaction complex has been studied for decades functionally, but it is studied structurally just recently thanks to the emergence of cryo-Electron microscope. Elucidating the structural organization of the subunits of the dynien-dynaction complex will help us understand how it is regulated to achieve progressive movement of cellular cargoes along the microtubules, and the goal of our research is exactly to structurally characterize the three dimensional architecture of the dynein-dynactin complex bound to microtubules using a combination of ultrastructural techniques including cry-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging. My major responsibility in the team was to use Etomo program to process and reconstruct the dynein dynactin complex from the raw data collected by electron microscope. Through a series of operations like extraction, subtomogram averaging, and docking, we finally obtained the 3D structure of the protein with better resolution. In this working process, I gained the opportunities to learn python programing language, EMAN and multivariate statistical analysis. I finally became expert in dealing with IMOD and Chimera (UCSF) programs.

教科书式的核心经历描述(实习和科研都适用)。除了交代清楚这段经历本身的意义和目的外,一定要突出自己和这段经历的关联。1.你在其中的role; 2.你对项目推进的贡献; 反过来 3.这段经历给你带来的提高。切记千万不要大篇幅写详细的步骤,step1, step2, step3你是如何操作的这项实验,毫无意义。

Example 5


I once read a thought-provoking story in the book Dreaming in Code. A battery of gifted computer scientists fought like monsters trapped in the mire of developing seemingly simple software, Chandler. The more they struggled, the deeper they fell in. Rather than the story itself, I am more interested in the methods and concepts mentioned. I concluded the four big questions attracted me in the story: Is open source spirit really helpful? How much will better back-end algorithms improve overall work efficiency? Why collaboration and presentation help products stand out? And what exactly is extreme programming?


Example 6


Statement of Purpose

------ Ethnomusicology, my way of approaching the world and sharing my story

“Music is more than an object of study: it is a way of perceiving the world. A tool of understanding.”– Attali, Noise: The Political Economy of Music

My affection for music carries me on whenever I'm going crazy balancing research papers, fieldworks, academic conferences, teaching and performing activities at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is exactly through those experiences that I realize the meanings of music, as Christopher Small suggests, lie not in objects, not in musical works, but in actions, in what people do. Such perceptions not only assist me understanding one’s behaviors and interpreting one’s culture through ethnomusicological studies, but also make me aware of the significance of training. 


Example 7


Having studied finance for four years and worked full-time as a loan officer for more than half a year, I realize that the development of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are greatly constrained.

During my internship in the fixed-income department of China Everbright Securities, I first realized that numerous SMEs were experiencing financing constraints. Because of this experience, I continued to focus on this issue in my undergraduate thesis and I analyzed in depth to what extent the venture capital could help SMEs. Based on actual cases and empirical data analysis, I discovered that only a small portion of SMEs—usually high-tech enterprises—could be backed by venture-capital funds; however, these SMEs’ business performances did not improve significantly with the support from venture capital, which was totally contrary to expectations and hypotheses.


Example 8


With a crystal-clear goal of heading to Wall Street bulge bracket after graduation, my school list “portfolio” was created with the basis of taking “whether or not the school is an investment bank target school” as a primary factor, and definitely Columbia University is my top choice. Frankly speaking, if admitted by the MS in Operations Research program in Columbia University, I would withdraw all the other programs’ applications because Columbia is my dream school. I prefer Columbia University than any others for the following reasons. Firstly...Secondly...blabla

这里有几个点小智想说一下。第一,学生申请运筹学,运筹学是做什么的?做最优化的,学生将来想做投资组合portfolio的优化,这个小智在上文中已有交代。那么这段中小智就给她用了portfolio这个词,但是表达的是学校名单这个“portfolio”,表达的是选校组合。这样做的妙处在于,用专业领域内的专有名词,表达领域之外的概念,是一种专业素养较高,能够融会贯通,且专业意识较强的表现。这里小智用了这样的一个小trick。第二点呢,小智这里很直白的说我想去哥大就是因为你们学校是投行的target school,而我毕业后就是想去投行,表达的非常直白。包括其他文书中小智还给学生表达过自己很money-driven。不用担心,这种直接的态度,是投行很欣赏的,也是金融学术圈里早就默认的价值观。所以说,写好文书,如果对申请专业领域的一些“道道“比较熟悉的话,写出来人家会看得很亲切。第三点,更直接,如果你们录取我了,我就会withdraw所有其他学校的申请。怎么样,智友的文书就是这么与众不同。当然,这一切源于我们深谙教授的录取标准,而不是拿学生的前途在冒风险。

Example 9


The MSCF program in Carnegie Mellon has many advantages and can supplement my background in many aspects. First and foremost, in consideration of my pervious background is mainly in mathematics, and my programming skill is relatively weak compared with my strong mathematical modeling ability and relevant rich experience, my greatest aspiration from attending the MSCF program is to get my programming ability enhanced. While, of course I have the basis of learning programming languages. I have a good knowledge of R programming in statistical methods, attaining p-values in hypothesis tests by Monte Carlo Simulations and Bootstraps under categorical data and numerical data; I’ve taken Java courses for two quarters and I am able to have rigorous computational logics and exercised my brain to learn other languages such as C++ and Python more easily and faster. Apart from programming, the machine learning training is also an important attraction to me. As the top computer science school in the whole world, I have reason to believe CMU’s machine learning course would be very fantastic and cool in teaching regularized regression, bias-variance tradeoffs, and model validation and assessment.

Secondly, as a recent graduate with very limited working experience in the financial circle, I clearly understand how significant work experience is for me to start my career in America after graduation from MSCF. Thus, the Deutsche Bank Trading Competition and the nearly 100% secured summer internship opportunity MSCF program offers seem to be invaluable for me to get a better sense of the full-time position of my desired direction, helping me hit the ground running upon graduation.

Lastly, the curriculum of MSCF program is well-organized and I wish to choose to focus on asset management in my final semester to further narrow my focus down before entering into workplace.

经典的why school段落。写为什么要申请对方学校,要把握这样几个要领。1.展示你对对方的program研究的很透彻。2.表达对方能提供的,恰恰是你最需要的。3.描述假设自己被录取,简单的study plan。这三点都做到,why school段落就算完美了。

Example 10








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