匹兹堡大学 Omar老师
Dr. Omar
Former undergraduate and graduate admissions committee member at the University of Pittsburgh
Hello, my name is Omar, and I am a chemical engineer with over 14 years of experience in technology development and process optimization. I hold a Ph.D. and an M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and Texas A&M University, respectively. My career has spanned roles in both academia and industry, including positions at Anellotech Inc. and North Carolina A&T State University.
Currently, I lead ONB Engineering Research and Technical Services, focusing on data-driven technology development for startups and mid-sized companies. I am passionate about mentoring young engineers and have been recognized as one of the AIChE’s Top 35 Under 35.
Outside of work, I enjoy traveling, outdoor activities, and continuous learning. I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Chinese researchers and students, gaining valuable insights into the innovative work being done in China.
I look forward to sharing my experiences and learning from all of you.
大家好,我的名字是Omar,我是一名化学工程师,在技术开发和流程优化方面拥有超过14年的经验。我分别在匹兹堡大学和德州农工大学获得化学工程博士学位和硕士学位。我的职业生涯跨越了学术界和工业界的角色,包括在Anellotech Inc.和North Carolina A&T State University的职位。目前,我领导ONB工程研究和技术服务,专注于初创公司和中型公司的数据驱动技术开发。我对指导年轻工程师充满热情,并被公认为AIChE 35岁以下35强之一。工作之余,我喜欢旅游、户外活动和不断学习。我很高兴与中国的研究人员和学生合作,对中国正在进行的创新工作获得了宝贵的见解。我期待着与大家分享我的经验,并向大家学习。
I served on the admission committees for MS and PhD programs in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh (while working as a PhD student and Postdoc), and for BS, MS and PhD programs in Chemical Engineering and Nano-engineering.
While at North Carolina A&T State University (as a faculty member), this involved reviewing application packages, which includes essays and other supporting documents. I was also the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee at North Carolina A&T university where we set standards for admission into the program.
Additionally, I served as an advisor and reviewer to NSF’s graduate research fellowship program for 2 years, which involved advising undergraduate students on how to develop their application packages in preparation for the fellowship.
I have helped many of my students gain admission for graduate programs in the US, some notable programs are Duke University Chemistry Ph.D., Columbia University Chemical Engineering Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania MBA, Cornell University MBA, University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. in both Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana Champaigne in Chemical Engineering
- 2020年美国化学工程师协会(AIChE) 35岁以下35人奖:因在技术开发和工艺优化方面的重大贡献,被公认为化学工程领域的顶尖年轻专业人士之一。
- 2016年匹兹堡大学杰出化学工程研究助理:因其卓越的研究表现和对推进化学工程知识的奉献而获得工程研究生协会的荣誉。
2015年匹兹堡大学James M. Coull博士纪念奖学金:授予化学与石油工程系最杰出的博士生,以表彰我在学术和研究方面的杰出成就。
- 2012年霍尼韦尔Bravo奖:为卡塔尔石油公司Halul LPAGC设计紧急停机系统,展示了我在过程控制和安全工程方面的专业知识。
- 2010年,德克萨斯农工大学理查德·e·尤因卓越研究奖:因我在硕士课程期间的杰出研究贡献而获得认可,特别是在液化天然气泄漏扩散和汽化建模方面。